Prevention is Better than Cure
Connor only took SPICE once.

Four days later his family made the harrowing decision
to switch off his life support machine
and donate his organs.
NO family should endure this.
Our ‘ILLEGAL HIGHS’ awareness scratch card, called ‘Gambling with your Life’ highlights the dangers of taking New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), formely known as "Legal Highs".
As part of our education and training initiative, this card should also be aimed at young people highlighting the issues surrounding the use and myths of NPS (legal highs).
We are endeavouring to PREVENT young people from trying NPS before it leads to potential addiction, brain damage or even death.
Our legal highs card is a scratch card, dispelling various myths about taking NPS. This is an interactive card with alternating consequences of taking these drugs.
Because of the volume of synthetic cannabinoids, and with some many new variations hitting the market annually, it was impossible to replicate a smell. The manufacturers of these cannabinoids have purposely removed any distinct scent from the product and packaging to avoid detection by drug sniffing dogs.
St Andrew Print have created this scratch card, based on ‘Gambling with your Life’, sowing the seeds of doubt in young people’s minds about bowing to peer pressure, not being a guinea pig and thereby reducing the demand as part of an awareness campaign.
This too is an interactive card.
The audience for this card is aimed at young ages onwards.
It will be presented to the class by a tutor/trainer.
They will be asked to scratch one of the silver latex tablets.
Those that have scratched that the tablet will kill you, will stand up. Then those mentally impaired. The rest of them, with the headache, will be told that this time they are lucky.
The idea behind this initiative is that we found statistics do not work with young people, so by humanising the effect of NPS would have a better reaction by seeing a friend stand up.
This is a hard-hitting campaign, based on short, sharp, shock and implant the element of doubt in young people’s minds when offered NPS, thereby reducing the demand for these substances.
NPS is any substance which is capable of producing a psychoactive effect in a person who consumes it, and is not an exempted substance. These substances produce a psychoactive effect in a person if, by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system, it affects the person’s mental functioning or emotional state.
One of the most commonly used NPS are the Synthetic (man-made) Cannabinoids. These NPS drugs come in colourful packaging with catchy names and are sometimes fruit scented. The packets contain a benign plant material that has been sprayed with different chemicals to give the user an effect when smoked. When the user smokes this material, they can experience various effects from feelings of general wellbeing to extreme hallucinations.
With more drugs coming onto the market, now fake drugs are being supplied and who knows what they contain?
‘Legal highs’ are synthetic and can vary in potency from either twice or 100 times stronger than cannabis and the effect is almost instant.
As everyone’s body chemistry is different, the consequences of taking these synthetic cannabinoids can be life changing or even deadly for some.
Click here to watch a video showing the effects of taking SPICE legal high.
WARNING: This is a graphical and disturbing video of a young person having taken NPS.
The Psychoactive Substances Act makes it an offence to produce, supply, offer to supply, possess with intent to supply, possess on custodial premises, import or export psychoactive substances; that is, any substance intended for human consumption that is capable of producing a psychoactive effect. The maximum sentence can be seven years’ imprisonment.
St Andrew Print are scratch and sniff specialist printers who collaborate with leading consultants having expertise in illegal drugs, health & wellbeing and community safety.
We can produce our drug awareness cards to a customised design and bespoke size to meet client’s corporate guidelines.
Our graphic design team will work closely with your marketing people to produce a design that is in keeping with your corporate image and to the highest quality printing standards.
To assist charities and non-profit organisations, we can offer a free print design service.
Prevention is Better than Cure